Friday 4 November 2011


Let me mention Herman Cain real quike. For those of you board of politics you may skip this.
Cain is somewhat brilliant in economic affairs. However, he is dishonerable with his actions. I think he is a bit arrogant in much of his statements. The worst of it all is his character. When deciding who should be president, Character is vital. Read this article. I am saddened, and thankfully we have more options.

Now I will write about John CHo. I call him Ya. From the time I first met him until now, he has come a long long way. He has given me more reason to believe that God still works today. He attracts people with his quite gentle and fun loving spirit.

Ya, I write this as a tribute to you. You mean a ton to me. The world will thank those who don't ask them to thank themselves. Humanity does not need another man set out to change. With the majority of people trying to change things, everyone needs a new picture. The only real change can come from a man presenting a different kind of picture. Ya, you are not out there trying to change people, you live on two feet, and people change to match you. Keep shinging for Christ.

Ya has taught me to use my legs for walking not kicking.

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