Monday 24 October 2011

who wants to be a millionaire

I was reading John Cho's blog. thats I wanted to write a response to his article.

I disagree Ya.
Life is not made simpler with more money. Although you were probably joking, i believe this is a very relevant issue to many people.
To state it as breifly as possible, money often brings insecurity.

To say it will make life simpler is a statement that refutes itself. How can gaining more, make things simpler. Especially in the aspect of finances, it is anything but easier. Look at the US government.

Money is an object that will terminate one day. If the source of happiness and satisfaction is found from money, a source that has an end, the individual will be insecure. There is a daily threat that the money will be destroyed, or liquidated. This leaves the individual constantly wishing for either more money, or more secure ways to stash his money.

The only source of true security comes from a source that will never terminate.

Therefore John, to you it will most likely be a curse to be a millionaire, right now at least, because right now it's a time to realize the eternal purpose for life. This will give you true security.

Money is not bad. Whats bad is if money is your purpose. Your purpose needs to extend beyond a life you can live on earth, or its no lasting purpose at all.

1 comment:

  1. you would be one to rebutle, moses. lol True talk anyways:)
