Monday 30 January 2012

The Swan

The lake is crystal clear, with faint reflections of graceful beauty that is found in the sky above. Turquoise gently creeps up and sprinkles the viewer with a clear kiss as if to say, "Come play with me you lovely person." Suddenly, the still silence is shattered by a splash. Hee-Haw! No, it is not a donkey.


Not the angelic animal that glides over the crystal surface of a beautiful lake, but a sweet part Asian-part white intelligent specimen of the male gender. Micah Swensen. One day he will learn how to stay on the inside of a canoe without being drawn outside as if guided by a new law of nature to do so.

I call him "Swan." I was at my friends house durning the summer, when they informed me of a new student coming to my school. He was from the same city as me, Loma Linda, and cousin to a most controversial figure, Wayanne Watson. I thought he was great before I even met him. Facebook revealed to me that he was good friends with my cousin, and anyone who is friends with my cousin, has to be really, really cool.

First day of school rolled around, and there was the Swan perched on the sofa with an air about him that seemed to have said he didnt want any redness to come through his skin. I approached him, said hi and met Mom. We chatted about the various regulations Swan was to be subject to for the next three years and then parted ways. I saw him next on the same couch, no mom present, engroused in a book. This scene repeated itself for many weeks, then, well, I guess it stopped.

Micah has taught me to be sensative. People who are hurting have the reception of his sympathy. I cannot bring myself to understand his love of the cold, but inside his heart, he is warm. Just this morning, Swan was overcome by compassion and in the middle of my breakfast said, "Lets pray for that person."

Swan, you mean so much to me and many people here. Never forget that you are special. (That was supposed to be a positive comment.) The world cries out for men that will care for it. You have answered the cry of humanity, and you have answered with kindness, love, and compassion.

Splash! Your head turns again to the scene of your disruption. The Swan appeares to attempt an airborn stunt, only to fall again, creating ripples that are felt the lake over, influencing every corner with its effects.

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