Tuesday, 20 December 2011


I recently read the saddest story of my life. It was so disturbing, that I am still shaken after reading it.

The people around us represent a world of differences. In each individual is a unique perspective on the existence of reality. 

Every man experiences sorrow. Every man feels pain. Every man knows worry, doubt, guilt, and neglect. The tear drops of mankind water the earth over and create a flourishing jungle of confusion for all to transverse. 

There is a world of people breaking out there. Their hearts languish for a substance that will satisfy this need for something better. 

The streets are crowded. Room is scarce. We walk down the path. We know not which shoulder was bumped that will perish before it is bumped again. We do not know what will be the result of the hopeless wandering that throbs the being of this worlds languishing life.

But it is I who will not stand for the wanderer to fall. It is I who must be hope in hopelessness. When life is dark, I will be the dawn of a new day. When people cry, I will be the joy of new birth. When people fall, I will be down lifting them up. 

I will be the source of life to the lifeless, because I have been made to thrive. I have been made to be courageous. I have been made to lead the way. 

God made us all to throb will fulfilment, purpose, and life. 

That crowded street, that one where people are all walking and moving to an unknown destination, I will stop and show them that I care. 

Seung-Hui Cho will never rise from his grave. His spirit will never inhabit the life of any other man, because I will be by the side of those who are being threatened by this ghost and show them a better way.

All men can rise only as high as the highest standard they see. I will be that high standard of hope.

This only happens because Christ has stood up and shown me how I have hope in Him. All this that I think myself to do will only happen when I get up and live it out, with Christ living in me. So here I go, will you do the same- so help us God.

Friday, 2 December 2011

The Curse

I am on my couch, innocently chatting with Nolan. Suddenly, the tranquillity is shattered by a most abrasive, disgusting sound. A dean was making another announcement. My friend on the couch almost went mad. After spending 3-4 min of calming him down so he wouldn't go kill someone, he got this far away look in his eyes and declared, "June after next... that announcement system... the speakers and all... so help me, oh I'll...!"

Well that was fun...
Everyone is faced with annoyance in life. This is a small taste of the curse of sin I guess.
When James says in the first chapter of his book, "Count it all joy..." he means exactly that. Not only when your happy are you to be joyful, but also when you are sad, upset, annoyed.

So thank you dean staff, friends, and everyone else who helps me with my walk with God.
Its almost pathetic to think of this as a trial, but I guess the greatness of the trials of life are relative to each mans experience.

There is Nolan right there....
And Amaris, I updated my blog.